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Podul Bizetz - OR00D3
Proprietar: andrixnet
N 43° 53.040' E 25° 57.840' N 43° 53' 2.40'' E 25° 57' 50.40'' N 43.88400°  E 25.96400° 
Altitudine: 22 m
 Zonă: România > ?
Tip geocutie: Tradiţională
Mărime: Mică
Stare: Arhivată
Data ascunderii: 2010-06-25
Data creării: 2014-09-19
Data publicării: 2014-09-19
Ultima modificare: 2016-04-26
0x găsit
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0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
983 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN RO

Bizetz bridge in Giurgiu was the first curved road and rail bridge in Europe, finished in 1905.

The need for a bridge at this site came from the harbour necessities and the specific topografy of the area, both surface and beneath. The bridge was build with huge efforts at the time, due to it's peculiar shape and the new challenges it presented. Under the directions of eng. Bizetz, many craftsmen from all over the country worked at it's construction and the bridge secured Bizetz's name in the history of the city.

In 2007 a new, higher, 4 lane road bridge was build right next to the one, aged and overloaded by heavy traffic. Today the Bizetz bridge remains as a monument and accessible by pedestrians.

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