Add argument '?all_translations' to show all translations. Cache Types: 1: Other type 2: Traditional 3: Multicache 4: Virtual 5: Webcam 6: Event 7: Puzzle 8: Moving 9: Podcast cache 10: Own cache Cache Sizes: 1: Not specified 2: Micro 3: Small 4: Regular 5: Large 6: Very large 7: No container 8: Nano Cache Statuses: 1: Ready to be found 2: Temporarily unavailable 3: Archived 4: Awaiting approval 5: Not yet available 6: Blocked by OC Team Log Types: 1: Found it 2: Didn't find it 3: Comment 4: Moved 5: Needs maintenance 6: Maintenance performed 7: Attended 8: Will attend 9: Archived 10: Ready to be found 11: Temporarily unavailable 12: OC Team comment Waypoint Types: 1: Physical point 2: Virtual point 3: Final location 4: Interesting place 5: Parking area 6: Trailhead Languages: BG: Bulgarian BS: Bosnian CE: Shekhinah CS: Czech DE: German DK: Danish EL: Greek EN: English EO: Esperanto ES: Spanish ET: Estonian EU: Basque FI: Finnish FR: French HR: Croatian HU: Hungarian IS: Icelandic IT: Italian JA: Japanese LT: Lithuanian LV: Latvian NL: Dutch NO: Norwegian PL: Polish PT: Portuguese RO: Romanian RU: Russian SK: Slovak SL: Slovenian SV: Swedish TR: Turkish UZ: Uzbek VI: Vietnamese Countries: AD: Andorra AE: United Arab Emirates AF: Afghanistan AG: Antigua And Barbuda AI: Anguilla AL: Albania AM: Armenia AN: Netherlands Antilles AO: Angola AR: Argentina AS: American Samoa AT: Austria AU: Australia AW: Aruba AZ: Azerbaijan BA: Bosnia And Herzegowina BB: Barbados BD: Bangladesh BE: Belgium BF: Burkina Faso BG: Bulgaria BH: Bahrain BI: Burundi BJ: Benin BM: Bermuda BN: Brunei Darussalam BO: Bolivia BR: Brazil BS: Bahamas BT: Bhutan BV: Bouvet Island BW: Botswana BY: Belarus BZ: Belize CA: Canada CC: Cocos (Keeling) Islands CF: Central African Republic CG: Congo CH: Switzerland CI: Cote d'Ivoire CK: Cook Islands CL: Chile CM: Cameroon CN: China CO: Colombia CR: Costa Rica CS: Serbia and Montenegro CU: Cuba CV: Cape Verde CX: Christmas Island CY: Cyprus CZ: Czech Republic DE: Germany DJ: Djibouti DK: Denmark DO: Dominican Republic DZ: Algeria EC: Ecuador EE: Estonia EG: Egypt EH: Western Sahara ER: Eritrea ES: Spain ET: Ethiopia FI: Finland FJ: Fiji FK: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM: Micronesia, Federated States Of FO: Faroe Islands FR: France GA: Gabon GB: United Kingdom (UK) GD: Grenada GE: Georgia GF: French Guiana GH: Ghana GI: Gibraltar GL: Greenland GM: Gambia GN: Guinea GP: Guadeloupe GR: Greece GS: South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands GT: Guatemala GU: Guam GW: Guinea-Bissau GY: Guyana HK: Hong Kong HM: Heard And Mc Donald Islands HN: Honduras HR: Croatia (local name: Hrvatska) HT: Haiti HU: Hungary ID: Indonesia IE: Ireland IL: Israel IN: India IO: British Indian Ocean Territory IQ: Iraq IR: Iran (Islamic Republic Of) IS: Iceland IT: Italy JM: Jamaica JO: Jordan JP: Japan KE: Kenya KG: Kyrgyzstan KH: Cambodia KI: Kiribati KM: Comoros KN: Saint Kitts And Nevis KP: Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of KR: Korea, Republic Of KW: Kuwait KY: Cayman Islands KZ: Kazakhstan LA: Lao People's Democratic Republic LB: Lebanon LC: Saint Lucia LI: Liechtenstein LK: Sri Lanka LR: Liberia LS: Lesotho LT: Lithuania LU: Luxembourg LV: Latvia LY: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya MA: Morocco MC: Monaco MD: Moldova, Republic Of MG: Madagascar MH: Marshall Islands MK: Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of ML: Mali MM: Myanmar MN: Mongolia MO: Macau MP: Northern Mariana Islands MQ: Martinique MR: Mauritania MS: Montserrat MT: Malta MU: Mauritius MV: Maldives MW: Malawi MX: Mexico MY: Malaysia MZ: Mozambique NA: Namibia NC: New Caledonia NE: Niger NF: Norfolk Island NG: Nigeria NI: Nicaragua NL: Netherlands NO: Norway NP: Nepal NR: Nauru NU: Niue NZ: New Zealand OM: Oman PA: Panama PE: Peru PF: French Polynesia PG: Papua New Guinea PH: Philippines PK: Pakistan PL: Poland PM: St. Pierre And Miquelon PN: Pitcairn PR: Puerto Rico PT: Portugal PW: Palau PY: Paraguay QA: Qatar RE: Reunion RO: Romania RU: Russian Federation RW: Rwanda SA: Saudi Arabia SB: Solomon Islands SC: Seychelles SD: Sudan SE: Sweden SG: Singapore SH: St. Helena SI: Slovenia SJ: Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands SK: Slovakia (Slovak Republic) SL: Sierra Leone SM: San Marino SN: Senegal SO: Somalia SR: Suriname ST: Sao Tome And Principe SU: Soviet Union SX: El Salvador SY: Syrian Arab Republic SZ: Swaziland TC: Turks And Caicos Islands TD: Chad TF: French Southern Territories TG: Togo TH: Thailand TJ: Tajikistan TK: Tokelau TM: Turkmenistan TN: Tunisia TO: Tonga TR: Turkey TT: Trinidad And Tobago TV: Tuvalu TW: Taiwan, Province Of China TZ: Tanzania, United Republic Of UA: Ukraine UG: Uganda UM: United States Minor Outlying Islands US: United States UY: Uruguay UZ: Uzbekistan VA: Vatican City State (Holy See) VC: Saint Vincent And The Grenadines VE: Venezuela VG: Virgin Islands (British) VI: Virgin Islands (U.S.) VN: Viet Nam VU: Vanuatu WF: Wallis And Futuna Islands WS: Samoa YE: Yemen YT: Mayotte ZA: South Africa ZM: Zambia ZW: Zimbabwe Attributes: 2: PERIODICAL/PAID - A26 en: Periodical/Paid pl: Dostępna w określonych godzinach lub płatna ro: Acces doar în anumite ore sau zile sau cu taxă 4: BOAT - A57 en: Boat nl: Er is een boot nodig pl: Dostępna tylko łodzią ro: Ai nevoie de o barcă 6: GO GEOCACHING WITH CHILDREN - A70 en: Go geocaching with children nl: Kindvriendelijke cache pl: Można zabrać dzieci ro: Hai la căutat împreună cu copiii 9: LONG HIKE - A21 de: Längere Wanderung en: Long hike nl: Lange wandeling pl: ro: 5km sau mai mult de parcurs pe jos, dus-întors. 13: THIS CACHE CAN BE FOUND AT ANY TIME OF DAY OR WEEK. - >>>> MISSING A-CODE MAPPING <<<< en: This cache can be found at any time of day or week. nl: Deze cache kan 24/7 gedaan worden. ro: Geocutia poate fi găsită la orice oră 14: RECOMMENDED AT NIGHT - A42 en: Recommended at night nl: Bij voorkeur in het donker te doen pl: Zalecane szukanie nocą ro: Recomandată noaptea 19: TICKS - A64 de: Achtung: Zecken en: Ticks nl: Let op: teken pl: ro: Atenţie, căpuşe! 22: HUNTING GROUNDS - A62 de: Achtung: Jagdgebied en: Hunting grounds nl: Let op: jachtgebied pl: ro: Atenţie, teren de vânătoare! 23: DANGEROUS CACHE - A59 en: Dangerous Cache nl: Deze cache kan gevaarlijk zijn pl: Skrzynka niebezpieczna ro: Atenţie, pericol! 24: ACCESSIBLE FOR DISABLED - A18 en: Accessible for disabled nl: Rolstoel toegankelijk pl: Dostępna dla niepełnosprawnych ro: Accesibila persoanelor cu handicap aflate în scaun cu rotile 25: PARKING AREA NEARBY - A33 de: Parkplatz in der Nähe en: Parking area nearby nl: Parkeerplaats vlakbij pl: ro: Parcare în apropiere 27: DRINKING WATER AVAILABLE NEARBY - A35 en: Drinking water available nearby ro: În apropiere există o sursă de apă potabilă 32: BIKE - A27 en: Bike nl: Deze cache is ook met de fiets te doen. pl: Dostępna rowerem ro: Recomandat cu bicicleta 39: THORN - A63 de: Achtung: Dornen en: Thorn nl: Let op: doornen pl: ro: Atenţie, spini! 40: STEALTH REQUIRED - A74 en: Stealth required ro: Fii discret în timp ce cauţi 44: TORCH NEEDED - A52 en: Torch needed nl: Een zaklamp is nodig pl: Potrzebna latarka ro: Ai nevoie de o lanternă 47: SOLVING THIS REQUIRES YOU VISIT THE PLACE - A15 en: Solving this requires you visit the place ro: Rezolvarea se poate găsi numai vizitând locul 51: TAKE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - A56 en: Take special equipment nl: Neem gereedschap mee pl: Wymagany dodatkowy sprzęt ro: Ai nevoie de unelte sau echipament special 60: BEACON - GARMIN CHIRP - A9 en: Beacon - Garmin chirp nl: Beacon - Garmin chirp pl: Beacon - Garmin chirp ro: Baliză radio - Garmin chirp 106: ONLY LOGABLE ON OPENCACHING - A1 de: Nur bei opencaching logbar en: Only logable on Opencaching nl: Alleen te loggen op Opencaching pl: Dostępna tylko na Opencaching ro: Disponibilă doar pe Opencaching 108: LETTERBOX - A4 en: Letterbox nl: Letterbox pl: Letterbox ro: Letterbox 147: COMPASS - A49 en: Compass nl: Kompas nodig pl: Potrzebny kompas ro: Ai nevoie de o busolă 201: ONE-MINUTE CACHE - A68 en: One-minute cache nl: Een snelle oppikker pl: Szybka skrzynka ro: Geocutie la minut 202: GEOHOTEL - A5 en: GeoHotel nl: GeoHotel pl: GeoHotel ro: GeoHotel - gazdă pentru obiecte călătoare 203: TAKE SOMETHING TO WRITE - A50 en: Take something to write nl: Neem iets mee om te schrijven pl: Weź coś do pisania ro: Ai nevoie de creion/pix/ceva de scris 204: FIXED BY MAGNET - A6 en: Fixed by magnet nl: Bevestigd met magneet pl: Przyczepiona magnesem ro: Fixată cu magnet 205: INFORMATION IN MP3 FILE - A7 en: Information in MP3 file nl: Informatie met MP3 bestand pl: Informacje zapisane w MP3 ro: Informaţii suplimentare în fişier audio 206: OFFSET CACHE - A8 en: Offset cache pl: Offset cache ro: Geocutie decalată faţă de coordonatele iniţiale 207: DEAD DROP USB CACHE - A10 en: Dead Drop USB cache nl: Dead Drop USB cache pl: Dead Drop USB skrzynka ro: Dead Drop USB 208: BENCHMARK - GEODETICT POINT - A2 en: Benchmark - geodetict point pl: Benchmark - punkt geodezyjny ro: Marcaj topografic 209: CARTRIDGE - A3 en: Cartridge pl: Scenariusz WIGO ro: Cartuş digital Werigo 210: NATURE - A28 en: Nature nl: Cache met veel natuur pl: Umiejscowiona na łonie natury, lasy, góry itp ro: Geocutie ascunsă în mijlocul naturii 211: MONUMENTAL PLACE - A29 en: Monumental place nl: Benchmark - geodetisch punt pl: Miejsce historyczne ro: Monument istoric 212: YOU WILL NEED A SHOVEL - A51 en: You will need a shovel nl: Een schep nodig pl: Potrzebna łopatka ro: Ai nevoie de o lopată 213: ACCESS ONLY BY WALK - A20 en: Access only by walk nl: De cache is alleen te voet te bereiken pl: Dostępna tylko pieszo ro: Accesibilă doar mergând pe jos 9013: THIS CACHE CAN ONLY BE DONE AT CERTAIN TIMES OF DAY OR WEEK - A40 en: This cache can only be done at certain times of day or week nl: Deze cache is niet alle tijden te doen. Attribute notices: There are three priorities: (!), (-) and ( ) (the last one ( ) can be safely ignored) (-) Attribute A26 is missing a name in the 'ro' language. Local name: Acces doar în anumite ore sau zile sau cu taxă OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A26 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Dostępna w określonych godzinach lub płatna OKAPI name: Opłata za wejście lub parking ( ) Attribute A57 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de o barcă OKAPI name: Barcă ( ) Attribute A57 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Dostępna tylko łodzią OKAPI name: Wymaga sprzętu pływającego ( ) Attribute A57 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Er is een boot nodig OKAPI name: Boot benodigd ( ) Attribute A70 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Hai la căutat împreună cu copiii OKAPI name: Recomandat pentru copii ( ) Attribute A21 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: OKAPI name: Długi spacer ( ) Attribute A21 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: 5km sau mai mult de parcurs pe jos, dus-întors. OKAPI name: Excursie ( ) Attribute A21 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Längere Wanderung OKAPI name: längere Wanderung (!) Attribute 13 is not mapped to any A-code. ( ) Attribute A64 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: OKAPI name: Uwaga na kleszcze ( ) Attribute A64 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Achtung: Zecken OKAPI name: Zecken ( ) Attribute A64 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Atenţie, căpuşe! OKAPI name: Căpuşe ( ) Attribute A62 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Achtung: Jagdgebied OKAPI name: Jagdgebiet ( ) Attribute A62 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Atenţie, teren de vânătoare! OKAPI name: Teren de vânătoare ( ) Attribute A62 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: OKAPI name: Tereny łowieckie ( ) Attribute A59 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Atenţie, pericol! OKAPI name: Pericol! ( ) Attribute A59 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Deze cache kan gevaarlijk zijn OKAPI name: Gevaarlijk gebied ( ) Attribute A18 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Accesibila persoanelor cu handicap aflate în scaun cu rotile OKAPI name: Handicapaţi ( ) Attribute A33 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Parcare în apropiere OKAPI name: Parcare ( ) Attribute A33 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: OKAPI name: Parking w pobliżu ( ) Attribute A35 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: În apropiere există o sursă de apă potabilă OKAPI name: Apă potabilă ( ) Attribute A27 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Deze cache is ook met de fiets te doen. OKAPI name: Fietsen toegestaan ( ) Attribute A27 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Recomandat cu bicicleta OKAPI name: Bicicletă ( ) Attribute A63 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Atenţie, spini! OKAPI name: Spini ( ) Attribute A63 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: OKAPI name: Uwaga na kolce ( ) Attribute A63 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Achtung: Dornen OKAPI name: Dornen ( ) Attribute A74 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Fii discret în timp ce cauţi OKAPI name: Discreţie ( ) Attribute A52 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Een zaklamp is nodig OKAPI name: Zaklamp nodig ( ) Attribute A52 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de o lanternă OKAPI name: Lanternă ( ) Attribute A15 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Rezolvarea se poate găsi numai vizitând locul OKAPI name: Rezolvare pe teren ( ) Attribute A56 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de unelte sau echipament special OKAPI name: Echipament ( ) Attribute A56 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Neem gereedschap mee OKAPI name: Special gereedschap nodig ( ) Attribute A9 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Baliză radio - Garmin chirp OKAPI name: Baliză radio ( ) Attribute A9 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Beacon - Garmin chirp OKAPI name: Beacon - Garmin Chirp ( ) Attribute A1 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Disponibilă doar pe Opencaching OKAPI name: Exclusiv Opencaching ( ) Attribute A1 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Nur bei opencaching logbar OKAPI name: nur bei Opencaching logbar ( ) Attribute A4 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Letterbox OKAPI name: Letterbox (een stempel nodig) ( ) Attribute A4 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Letterbox OKAPI name: Geocutie poştală ( ) Attribute A4 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Letterbox OKAPI name: Skrzynka typu Letterbox ( ) Attribute A49 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de o busolă OKAPI name: Busolă ( ) Attribute A68 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Geocutie la minut OKAPI name: Găseşti imediat ( ) Attribute A5 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: GeoHotel OKAPI name: GeoHotel Cache ( ) Attribute A5 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: GeoHotel - gazdă pentru obiecte călătoare OKAPI name: GeoHotel ( ) Attribute A50 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Neem iets mee om te schrijven OKAPI name: Breng eigen pen mee ( ) Attribute A50 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de creion/pix/ceva de scris OKAPI name: Creion ( ) Attribute A6 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Fixată cu magnet OKAPI name: Magnetică ( ) Attribute A6 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Bevestigd met magneet OKAPI name: Magnetische cache ( ) Attribute A7 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Informacje zapisane w MP3 OKAPI name: Opis zawiera plik audio ( ) Attribute A7 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Informaţii suplimentare în fişier audio OKAPI name: Informaţii audio ( ) Attribute A7 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Informatie met MP3 bestand OKAPI name: Beschrijving bevat een audio bestand ( ) Attribute A8 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Geocutie decalată faţă de coordonatele iniţiale OKAPI name: Decalaj ( ) Attribute A2 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Benchmark - punkt geodezyjny OKAPI name: W pobliżu punktu geodezyjnego ( ) Attribute A3 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Scenariusz WIGO OKAPI name: Wherigo Cache ( ) Attribute A3 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Cartuş digital Werigo OKAPI name: Cartuş Wherigo ( ) Attribute A28 has a different name in the 'pl' language Local name: Umiejscowiona na łonie natury, lasy, góry itp OKAPI name: Umiejscowiona na łonie natury (lasy, góry, itp.) ( ) Attribute A28 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Geocutie ascunsă în mijlocul naturii OKAPI name: Natură ( ) Attribute A29 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Benchmark - geodetisch punt OKAPI name: Historische plaats ( ) Attribute A51 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Een schep nodig OKAPI name: Mogelijk een schep nodig ( ) Attribute A51 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Ai nevoie de o lopată OKAPI name: Lopată ( ) Attribute A20 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: De cache is alleen te voet te bereiken OKAPI name: Alleen te voet toegankelijk ( ) Attribute A20 has a different name in the 'ro' language Local name: Accesibilă doar mergând pe jos OKAPI name: Pietonal ( ) Attribute A40 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Deze cache is niet alle tijden te doen. OKAPI name: Niet 24/7 beschikbaar